May 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council 
held on Monday 22nd May 2023
Present: Councillors: J Clark (Chair),N. Oakman, T. Smith, P. Waudby, D. Leworthy,  F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance District Cllr M Geaney, S Weatherly-Barton and J Ascough (observing)
Open Forum: 2 members of the public observing
Before the meeting started Dist Cllr M Geaney gave a introduced herself to the Council.
180.  Election of Chairman and vice-chair:  Cllr N Oakman was proposed as Chair by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Leworthy, the election of vice-chair was deferred to the next meeting. Cllr Oakman chaired the rest of the meeting.
181. Apologies for absence and reason given: Dist Cllr Bingham
182. To receive declarations of Interests and consideration of any requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  Cllrs Oakman, Clark, Waudby and Leworthy all declared an interest in agenda item 188.
183. To approve and authorise the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 24th April 2023: minutes have been circulated, were agreed and signed.
184. Chairmans and Clerks report: Copies of the Clerks report have been circulated.
The Clerk reported that an email of thanks had been received from the Methodist chapel ref the donation given towards the Flower festival.
185. To discuss any further actions from the Coronation Party: Cllr Clark reported that the Party in the Park had been a success despite the weather and lots of positive comments had been received. Still waiting for invoices for the food and band. The medals had been well received by the schools. It was suggested that a donation be made to LRSN for use of the generator: Resolved: £75.00 to be donated all agreed.
186. Update on Speed cameras conversion to Solar power:  Cllr Smith reported that the new batteries have been received, a new post is required for the camera in the near the School in the Clough as the camera sits too low. The camera near Bowgate also needs to be moved along the road away from the houses: Resolved: to continue action and report again at next meeting.
187. To consider donation request from Gosberton Church to repair pathways: The Clerk reported that LALC advised that the Council do not have the necessary powers to give donations to the Church for upkeep of the church or its property: Resolved- Clerk to advise Mrs Reynolds . 
188. To consider a donation request from the Youth Club committee: Requests have been received from the Trustees asking for a donation towards the purchase of some equipment, and a request has been received from the Management committee requesting a donation/loan towards the cost of paint. Resolved: Cllr Smith proposed that the Council offer support, the Clerk is to make investigate further and report back to the next meeting.
189. To discuss replacement Goal posts in Gosberton Field and update on repairs to play equipment: replacement Goal posts required are for 9 a side and 7ft by 16ft, Cllr Waudby and Clark to check the bearing in the roundabout : Resolved – 
Clerk to obtain further quotes for the Goalposts.
190. Planning matters- applications received where a decision has not already been submitted to SHDC
For Comments
I. H08-0271-23 – Conversion of cold store, demolition of existing barn, change of use of land to site caravan during construction – corner of Cheal road/Saltfleet lane- Mr & Mrs C Wheeler
Comments submitted prior to meeting
Determinations from SHDC
I. H08-0013-23- Details of Archaeological report- Duke of York- Ms S Goodenough-APPOVED
II. H08-0204-23 – proposed semi-detached dwellings-resubmission of H08-0346-21 21 Salem Street- APPROVED
III. H08-0203-23 -extension and internal alterations- Manor House, Westhorpe Road -APPROVED
IV. H08-0231-23 –extension and internal alterations- 21 Bowgate -APPROVED
V. H08-0870-22-  residential development 20 dwellings Silverdene Boston Road- resubmission of H08-1183-21 APPROVED
191.  Finance, payments of accounts, to approve list of payments within the Clerk’s report-  RESOLVED: all approved
24/4/2023 MARJORUM HALL 25.00   25.00 BACS
23/4/2023 VODAFONE 14.75   14.75 DC
17/4/2023 SLCC 30.00 6.00 36.00 BACS
5/5/2023 TN SNEATH 720.00 144.00 864.00 BACS
23/5/2023 GALLAGHER 1316.39   1316.39 BACS
14/5/2023 HALO 500.00   500.00 BACS
Invoices to approved -retrospectively
3/5/2023 POST OFFICE 7.15   7.15 DC
9/5/2023 ONE DRIVE 5.40   5.40 DC
9/5/2023 MANOR MARQUEE 1200.00 240.00 1400.00 BACS
30/4/2023 S KITCHEN 900.00   900.00 SO
25/4/2023 THE LAZY MARE 295.00   295.00 BACS
6/5/2023 BATES 120.00 24.00 144.00 DC
27/4/2023 AMAZON 29.41 5.88 33.69 DC
27/4/2023 AMAZON 13.98 1.66 15.64 DC
19/4/2023 ALL STAR FUELS 25.48 5.09 30.57 DD
3/5/2023 ALL STAR FUELS 25.61 5.12 30.73 DD
it was resolved to agree payments
Balance of Bank Accounts at 
Current £  5514.18
Deposit £  62147.57
Community £ 4597.28
NS & I  £  53535.49  
192.  Reports from other committees- There have been no meetings of the other committees. Council representatives are required to sit on the other committees. Resolved: Cllr Waudby was nominated by Cllr Clark and seconded by Cllr Smith to sit on the Robert Marjorum Trust, Cllr Waudby was nominated by Cllr Leworthy and seconded by Cllr Clark to sit on the Relief in Need committee.
Representatives to sit on other committees will be decided at the next meeting
193.  Urgent Matters not on the agenda- Cllr Clarke reported that the planning appeal for the Dog training area in Gubboles drove had been refused, and that the applicant had given the Council notice that they will be resubmitting a new application. Cllr Clark has had requested from Parishioners for the Council to plant some trees in the area to commemorate the Kings Coronation. Cllr Clark also requested that the Council move forward with the purchase of the new Roundabout for the Risegate playing field. Cllr Waudby reported that he has received complaints about the state of the footpath along the Risegate Road. Resolved: Fruit Trees to purchased a budget of £1000.00 agreed, Clerk to obtain quotations for a new Roundabout. Footpath to be reported to Highways
To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 due to confidential nature of the business in Agenda item 194
194.  Staffing matters-  no meeting has taken place, new Cllrs to be appointed to committee at the next meeting
195.. Agenda items for next meeting: 
Staffing committee
Co-options of new Cllrs
Appointment of vice-chair
Remaining Councillor vacancies
Roundabout, goal post
Youth Club donations
Meeting closed at 8.30 pm