October 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council 
held on Monday 2nd October  2023
Present: Councillors: N Oakman (Chair), S Weatherly-Barton, J Clark, J Ascough, P Waudby, D Leworthy,  F Newton  (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: None
Open Forum: N/A
242. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllrs T Smith and J Bennett- accepted. Dist Cllr Geaney apologies
243.  To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  none received
244.   To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 121st August 2023. It was Resolved approve the minutes
245. To receive report from District Councillors: The Clerk reported on behalf of Dist Cllr King that there will be a Ward walk on 19th October with Highways- any issues to be sent via the Clerk
245. To receive the Clerk’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations: 
Correspondence received
Proludic Play/sports equipment Brochure including inclusive play equipment
Methodist Chapel Christmas Tree Festival
Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Presentation
SHDC Chairmans Civic Church Service
Lincs YMCA Support for Rural Communities
SHDC Chairmans Charity Ball
Little Stars Nursery Complaint ref grass verge
SHDC Updated Electoral register
Parishioner Query ref TRO Boston Road
Lincs YMCA Invite to Uk Shared Prosperity fund
LCC Purchase order for Grass cutting
PKF Littlejohn Completion of Audit
The Clerk reported that the Groundsman had to cut the verge outside the Day nursery- this is to be added to the SHDC contract. Email received ref TRO on Boston Road, to be discussed item 255
247. To appoint a Vice-chair:  Cllr P Waudby was proposed by Cllr Clark and seconded by Cllr S Weatherley-Barton. Cllr Waudby accepted the position
248. To review and adopt
I. Standing Orders
II. Code of Conduct
III. Co-options policy
It was Resolved to adopt Standing orders, Code of Conduct and Co-option policy
249. To consider and adopt GDPR Statement: Cllr to email Clerk with amendments  It was Resolved to adopt with amendments
250. To consider and adopt updated Risk Management Policy:  this was discussed . It was Resolved to adopt the policy
251. To note update on Speed Camera’s: Cllr Smith has sent email regarding updates. Clerk to contact Dist Cllr King to request that Highways supply and install the posts to ensure they are compliant
252. To discuss update on Playground Inspection: Cllrs have greased the bearings on the roundabout. It was Resolved to wait until next inspection report before taking further action
253. To receive update on actions from the Village Inspection:  Clerk has received a quote of £6500.00 from Castle ref railings. Cllr Waudby is to make further enquiries. The Cemetery path as been repaired. Cllr Clark reported that a contractor is booked to re-point the flag stones around the War memorial- hopefully before Remembrance Day
254. To discuss Tenders for Farming Allotments. Three tenders have been received. It was Resolved to accept the Tender from S Dunlop
255. To consider applying for TRO Boston/Spalding Road- new developments: The Clerk has received notice that the TRO along the Spalding Road is being actioned, and has also contacted Cllr King and .Highways regarding a further TRO application for the Boston Road- no update on this action
256. To consider discuss Remembrance Day : Cllr Weatherley Barton reported that their will be a service at the Methodist Chapel at 10 am on Sunday 12th, then at 3pm in the Risegate. The timings were discussed and it was suggested that the service in the Risegate is straight after the one in the village. It was  Resolved that has there is no longer a British Legion in Gosberton that the Council would take an active role in organising the event. Cllr Clark is to contact Kirton brass band to ask if they have someone available to bugle the Last post, and Cllr Leworthy is to contact the British Legion to organise new service sheets
257. To discuss vases for the Cemetery and proposed purchase of Cemetery land. 1- Vases- the Clerk explained that it was the marble surround that was causing the problem with finding a replacement supplier- quote has been received for £3000.00 for 40 surrounds. Cllr Leworthy is to investigate and report back. 
2. Proposed purchase of land- Cllr Clark explained the situation, and it was decided that this project should be moved forward, and he would contact Longstaff’s and the Solicitor again. 
258.  To consider grant application/donation to Methodist Chapel Christmas Fair: It was Resolved to donate £25.00 to sponsor a tree
259. To consider grant application for Hedgehog campaign: It was Resolved not to award a grant at this time until the applicant has evidence of community engagement.
260. To consider Draft Budget for next year: to be discussed at the next meeting when more information is known regarding proposed purchase of Cemetery Land
261. Planning matters- 
Planning decisions received since the last meeting of council
For comments
I. H08-0743-23 – Outline- residential development for up to 4 dwellings, land west of Spalding Road, Gosberton – Mr A Proctor
II. H08-0736-23 Erection of single garage- 80 Siltside, Gosberton Risegate- Mr A Crane
Determinations from SHDC
I. H08-0520-23 – Proposed menage and re-instated access to site from highway, including small parking area for access to equestrian facilities- White House Farm Boston Road Gosberton- APPROVED
II. H08-0652-23- Details of existing and proposed site levels and floor levels and details of proposed boundary- 38 Siltside, Gosberton Risegate- APPROVED
III. H08-0614-23- proposed part change of use of 110 Siltside, Gosberton Risegate APPROVED
IV. H08-0271-23 – Dwelling and extension, Corner of Cheal Road/Saltfleet Lane – APPROVED
V. H08-0573-23 – Archaeological investigate- Manor House, Westhorpe Road- CONDITION COMPLIANCE
VI. H08-0694-23 -  proposed additional detached garage with study, Cawood House- APPROVED
262 To approve paymeens of accounts - within Clerk's report
13/9/2023 PKF 420.00 84.00


5/9/2023 TN SNEATH 540.00 108.00


1/8/2023 GOS P HALL 21.00   21.00
10/10/2023 SAVILLES 5.00   5.00
18/9/2023 E STERMA 250.00 50.00 300.00
Invoices to be approved retrospectively
20/8/2023 S KITCHEN 900.00   900.00
16/8/2023 ALL STAR FUEL 23.68 4.74 28.42
15/9/2023 CLERK SALARY 638.60   638.60
30/8/2023 MALC FIRTH 60.00 12.00 72.00
16/8/2023 POSTAGE 6.00   6.00
23/8/2023 ALL STAR 23.57 4.71 28.28
21/8/2023 HP INSTANT INK 14.16 2.83 16.99
23/8/2023 BRITISH LEGION 82.50   82.50
11/8/2023 SALWAY/WRIGHT 70.00 14.00 84.00
23/8/2023 AVG 35.99   35.99
6/9/2023 ONE DRIVE 5.88   5.88
1/9/2023 POSTAGE 3.00   3.00
13/9/2023 ALL STAR FUEL 26.26 5.25 31.51
13/9/2023 AMAZON 30.79 4.17 35.35
17/9/2023 S KITCHEN




21/9/2023 TOWN COUNTY 35.80 7.16 42.96
21/9/2023 HP INSTANT INK 8.32 1.67 9.99
30/8/2023 ALL STAR FUELS 25.34 5.07 30.41

It was Resolved to approve payments

II: To adding Clerk to signatures on N S&I  account and update correspondence address. It was Resolved that Clerk completes paperwork
     III    To review income and expenditure to 25th September
Income and Expenditure
Expenditure since last meeting (includes payments approved at meeting- up to 2nd October)
Income since last meeting up to 25th September 
Expenditure year to date
It was Resolved to accept this report
III  To receive bank reconciliation
Balance of Bank Accounts 
Current-  online balance as at 26th September 2023 £  3309.60
Deposit – online balance as at 26th September 2023 £  48926.23
Community- online balance as at 26th September 2023 £ 4597.28
NS & I  balance as at 26th September £  53535.49
It was Resolved to accept this report
IV   To received Bank Reconciliation – Cllr Leworthy is to review reconciliations 
V    To review Year to date Budget- this was reviewed and accepted
         VI    To review fixed asset register- this was reviewed and Resolved to accept report
VII  To review Earmarked and general reserves – these were reviewed and Resolved to accept report 
263. To receive reports from other committees: Cllr Ascough reported on the recent GCAT meeting, the Committee has decided that they will be dissolving the group and- are currently taking advice on this. They have approx. £5000.00 in funds and will be making donations to community projects- this will be advertised shortly.
Cllr Ascough reported that the Risegate Playing field committee held an Elvis night on 30th September and raised £823.00. This will be their final event. 
The Clerk reported that she had received an email from the Unknown Donors Charity and that funds will be paid into the Parish Council account – no amount currently confirmed.
Cllr Weatherly- Barton was unable to attend due to late notification when he was on holiday
264. Agenda items for the next meeting:
Vases for the Cemetery
Update on proposal to purchase new land for cemetery
Replacement PCSO
Parish Council Christmas Plans
Cemetery keepers/ grass cutting tenders
Youth Club Christmas plans
Meeting closed at 22.05 pm