May 2022

23rd May 2022
You are hereby requested to attend the Annual Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council on Monday 30th May 2022 meeting at the Public Hall at 7.30 pm.
The public forum is immediately prior to the start of the meeting when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council concerning matters to be discussed on this agenda.  Time for this session is limited to 15 minutes.
Fran Newton
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
1. Election of Chair.
2. Election of Vice-Chair
3. Any other Appointments
4. To receive declarations of Interests and consideration of any requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
5. To approve and authorise the minutes of meeting held on Monday 25th April 2022 and  Extra ordinary meeting on 9th May 2022 – copy circulated.
6. Chairmans remarks and clerks report to include correspondence- copy of clerks’ report circulated. Copies of correspondence can be obtained by contacting the clerk.
7. To appoint Internal Auditors
8. Playgroup update.
9. Jubilee update.
10. Windmill Lane allotment update.
11. Bench for Risegate War Memorial
12. To discuss Wild flowers being sown on Verges
13. Planning Matters - applications received where a decision has not already been submitted to SHDC
For Comments
I. H08-0447-22 – Hedgefield Hurn- Barn conversation amendment to original previously approved plans
II. H08-0459-22 ¬– 14 Medway Close – replacing flat roof with hipped roof
III. H08-0443-22 -Corner of Cheal Road/Saltfleet Lane Gosberton Fen- erection of dwelling
      14.Finance and payments of accounts- to approve list of payments within clerk’s report.
To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business of Agenda item 15
16. Agenda items for next meeting.
17. Date for next meeting is Monday 11th July at The Public Hall, Gosberton at 7.30pm.