Scheme of Delegation

Gosberton Parish Council
Scheme of Delegation
The Councils Scheme of Delegation authorises the Clerk to the Council/Responsible Finance Officer and Standing Committees to act with the delegated authority in the specific circumstances detailed.
Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer
• To take action on any issue of such urgency, that it cannot wait until the next normal Council meeting. If circumstances permit, the Clerk would normally be expected to consult the Chairman or Vice Chairman if the Chairman is unavailable and take his/her view into account.
• To incur expenditure on behalf of the Council, which is necessary to carry out any repair, replacement or other work which is of such extreme urgency that it must be done at once, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of £500.00.
• To take action regarding minor repairs (up to a cost of £500.00) and to report minor matters to the relevant authority.
Delegated actions shall be in accordance with Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and in line with directions given by Council from time to time and shall be reported to the next available Council meeting.
Delegated Powers re Planning (Minute number 13/304 & 14/011) Delegation
Planning applications shall be received by the Clerk who will provide details to Councillors and where no queries arise by joint decision of all Councillors, the Clerk shall be delegated to inform the Planning Department within the time allocated by the decision of the Council. All Councillors will report directly back to the Clerk thereby avoiding discussion between members. Where queries arise the Chairman will call a site meeting which may require an Extraordinary Meeting to decide upon the application. Adhering strictly to legal procedures set by NALC.
Staffing Committee
To take decisions on hours in excess of core hours needed to enable projects to be completed or to deal with exceptional circumstances. It will deal with HR issues and other contractual matter and will have delegated authority to make all decisions relating to staff and their employment.
Delegation- Limitations
All decisions taken under delegated authority will be in accordance with the Councils Standing Orders and Financial regulations and this Scheme of Delegation, and will where applicable any other rules/regulations and legislation. All decisions will be reported to the first appropriate Council Meeting.
The Council may delegate the power to make individual decisions on individual items to the Proper Officer/Responsible Finance Officer and its committees as and when appropriate.
Adopted at Council meeting on 6th March 2023- reviewed on 4th March 2024