Staffing Committee Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for the Staffing / Employment Committee
The Staffing/ Employment Committee is appointed to make recommendations to Gosberton Parish Council regarding all staffing and employment matters.
a) The Committee will comprise a minimum of three members, each of whom will be a Parish Councillor.
b) The quorum will be three Councillors.
c) Council will appoint members on its first creation. Appointment of members to the Committee will normally take place at the Annual Meeting of the Council and remain in effect until the next Annual Meeting. Casual vacancies will be filled by the Parish Council if they occur.
d) If the Vice Chair of the Parish Council is a member of this Committee they will Chair of the Staffing/ Employment Committee. If the Vice Chair of the parish council is not a member of this committee the Chair of this Committee will be elected by the Committee at its first meeting after appointment or when a vacancy arises for that role.
e) Substitute members may be nominated and appointed, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders, to take the place of an ordinary member who cannot attend and without whom the meeting would not be quorate.
f)  Meetings of the Committee will be convened in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
g) Other members of the Parish Council may not attend a meeting of the Staffing/Employment Committee as a member of the committee unless acting as a substitute.  The Staffing/Employment Committee must not share confidential information and information that may affect the impartiality of other members of the Parish Council who may need to consider an appeal against a decision made by this Committee or to members of the press and public.
h) The public and press may be excluded from meetings if their presence is prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Exclusion will be by a resolution giving brief reasons for that exclusion.
i) The public and press may be excluded when information about an individual staff member or other confidential matters are being considered. 
j) Meetings shall be held as and when required but at least one meeting a year must take place to review pay and expenses and complete an appraisal of staff.
k) Reporting to the full Parish Council will be by circulation of minutes to all Councillors and acknowledgement of this at the next meeting of the full Council. The Parish Clerk will be responsible for the recording and distribution of minutes.
l) The Committee shall undertake the following roles and functions, making recommendations to the full Council as appropriate : - 
i. to oversee the recruitment and appointment of staff;
ii. to implement, review, monitor and revise policies for staff;
iii. to consider grievance or disciplinary matters in accordance with the Council’s grievance or disciplinary policies; 
iv. to agree and review employment contracts and job descriptions;
v. to make recommendations to Council on pay levels;
vi. to undertake annual performance appraisal of the Clerk, identify training needs and ensure the Clerk has the necessary equipment and tools to undertake their duties;
vii. to ensure performance management issues are in place and monitored;
v. to keep under review staff working conditions and health and safety matters and
vi. to ensure that the Council complies with all legislative requirements relating to the employment of staff.
m) Legal responsibility for the decisions and actions of the Committee remains with the Parish Council as a whole.
Adopted by Gosberton Parish Council on 7th November 2022.