Health & Safety Policy
Health & Safety Policy
1. Definitions
Chairman – Chairman of Gosberton Parish Council
Clerk and/or Proper Officer – The Clerk to Gosberton Parish Council
Council – Gosberton Parish Council
Members – All Councillors of Gosberton Parish Council
Vice-Chairman – Vice-Chairman of Gosberton Group Parish Council
2. General
The Council recognises & accepts its responsibility to provide a safe & healthy working environment for employees, members and the public who may be involved or affected by its operations or activities. The Council will give the greatest importance to requirements of health & safety by considering it a responsibility, equal to that of any other function.
The Council will take the necessary steps to fulfil its statutory duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent legislation made under that Act. It will also meet the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This will also apply to Approved Codes of Practice being followed, Health and Safety Executive guidance and procedures of best practice. Particular attention is given to the provision and maintenance of:
• Safe plant, equipment and systems of work
• Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage & transport of articles and substances
• Information, instruction, training and supervision to avoid hazards and encourage employees to contribute to their own health and safety
• Safe place of work, access to and egress from
• Healthy working environment
• Adequate workplace facilities
• Suitable and sufficient risk assessments identifying hazards in order to determine means and remove or mitigate risks to employees or others
The Council expects its members and employees to recognise their personal responsibilities in taking care of their own health & safety and that of others. Such co-operation will confirm a commitment to their carrying out of this policy and assist the Council in meeting its obligations.
The policy will be kept up to date and will be reviewed annually.
3. Responsibilities
It is the duty of the Chairman, members & employees to ensure operations, including those carried out by contractors on behalf of the Council are as far as is reasonably practicable, undertaken in accordance with statutory requirements.
Day to day responsibility rests with the Clerk or any other person so appointed by the Council.
All members and employees should be familiar with their obligations under statutory requirements especially those under:
• Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
• Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992
• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 amended 2004
• Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
• Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) Regulations 1995 amended 2013
• Management of Health and Safety at Work 1999 & as amended by Statutory instrument no 2457 (2003) amended 2006
• Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
• Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended 2002)
• Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 amended 2002
• Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
• Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
• The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
• Lifting Operation and Loading Equipment Regulations 1998
• The Work at Height Regulations 2005
• Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR)
In practice this means:
• The issue of clear instructions and guidance to members & employees regarding their individual and joint responsibilities in health & safety procedure.
• Providing adequate training in health & safety, taking account of new employees
• Submitting statutory documents & displaying documents required by legislation in premises or on site under their control
• Providing appropriate protective clothing
• Ensuring statutory inspections are carried out and records maintained
• Ensuring the organisation and supervision of work & employees under their control
• Taking remedial measures in case of damage or defect in plant, machinery, equipment or buildings
• Completion of risk assessments & removal, minimization or control of identified risks
• Ensuring COVID safe procedures are implemented
• Ensuing this policy is implemented
Employees have a personal responsibility to:
• take reasonable care so as not to endanger themselves or others who may be affected by their operations
• make full and proper use of protective clothing & safety equipment
• inform their line manager and/or the Clerk if any working conditions and operations are considered to be unhealthy and/or unsafe. This includes hazards or defects to plant, equipment, machinery or buildings
• report accidents and ‘near misses’ to their line manager and/or the Clerk
• use equipment, machinery and vehicles safely, including using the correct tool or equipment for the job. No equipment to be used unless an officer is competent in its use
• not to misuse or interfere with any equipment, including welfare facilities provided for health and safety
• complying with this policy, statutory notices and supplementary literature
Overall and final responsibility for health and safety and for compliance with the necessary legislation is that of the Council.
4. Arrangements
The Council is involved in a large number of diverse activities and it is not realistic to produce policies for individual tasks. Therefore this document reflects the widest application to include all members and employees.
5. Accidents
All accidents or near misses however small must be reported to the Clerk and/or Chairman as soon as practicably possible after occurrence. All accidents will be recorded in the accident book which is kept at the parish office.
6. Needles/Sharps Injuries
A puncture, stab, penetration, scratch or injection into any part of the body by a discarded hypodermic needle or sharp object may have body fluids in or on them. Care must be taken when undertaking a clearing or cleaning task. Should an incident occur, DO NOT PANIC, follow basic personal hygiene & go to the nearest Accident & Emergency department which will usually be Pilgrim Hospital.
7. Inductions
All employees and Councillors will receive formal induction training as soon as practicable after taking up their post with the Council. Action to be taken in an emergency (e.g. Fire, First Aid etc) will be advised on the day of commencement of employment.
8. Fire Precautions
• Read and Understand Fire Precaution Notices.
• Ensure that you know the lay-out of fire exits and emergency routes.
• Report or remove where possible any obstruction of fire exits and passages.
• Keep cloths and towels away from heaters and convectors etc.
• Do not stand close to an electric fire, if use permitted, nor stand them near to anything that will burn.
9. First Aid
First Aid will be undertaken by a Council appointed person who has the requisite training and skills in same.
10. Electricity
Work on all electrical systems must comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. No work on or adjacent to live circuits shall be carried out unless it is unreasonable for it to be made dead. Generally all power supplies for tools on site shall be of 110 volt (centre tapped to earth).
11. Noise
Ear defenders should be worn in noisy environments. Noise levels presently require employers to provide ear defenders when requested by employees if the First Action Level (80dB (A)) is likely to be exceeded. If the Second Action Level (85dB (A) is likely to be exceeded, appropriate ear protection must be worn.
12. Hazardous Substances
Before using a product hazardous to health, identified by a hazardous substance symbol (an orange block printed on the carton or container with a black pictogram therein) all persons must ask the Clerk for the Hazard Data Sheet.
The Clerk will NOT allow the use of such products without having obtained a material safety data sheet from the supplier and has assessed what is required for safe operation
13. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Where PPE (e.g. helmets, footwear, high visibility clothing, goggles etc) is provided it must be worn and worn correctly. Training will be given if required.
Equipment must be kept clean, compatible when worn, maintained and when defective the manager and/or Chairman must be informed immediately in order to arrange replacements. In areas of transport movement (e.g. highways and verges etc.) high visibility clothing must be worn.
14. Display Screen Equipment
Employees are informed in all aspects of their health & safety relating to the work station.
15. Electrical Equipment
• All electrical equipment shall be inspected in accordance with the 1989 Regulations.
• Mains must not be overloaded. It is important that the correct socket outlet and plug top face (where these are available) is used for each item of electrical equipment.
• 13 amp plugs can be used for appliances with a loading capacity maximum of 13 amps. Plus fuses must be fitted to suit current load of the equipment being used, e.g. desk lamp, calculator, typewriter: 3 amp fuse; 2-bar heater, kettle: 13 amp fuse. Fuses are available with ratings of 3, 5, 7, 10 and 13 amps. The current load is normally shown on the item of equipment. When in doubt, do not guess, seek qualified advice.
• Only electrical equipment provided by the Council should be used and electric points must not be overloaded by means of multi-adaptors. All mains should be switched off when not in use, and where possible plug tops removed from sockets overnight and at weekends.
• Leads from points for various desk uses should not present a hazard by trailing across areas of access. Extension leads are for temporary use only and should not exceed 10 feet in length.
• Defective equipment must never be used. No person should attempt to effect repairs to electrical equipment, unless competent to do so.
16. Furniture, Fittings and Equipment
• All heavy equipment and storage units should preferably be placed against the wall across several floor joists.
• Heavy equipment and furniture must not be moved by individuals.
• Office equipment whether manually or electrically operated, must not be used by unauthorised, untrained personnel.
• Filing cabinets should always have sufficient weight in the bottom drawer to prevent the cabinet from tipping when a full top drawer is opened. Filing cabinet and desk drawers must always be closed immediately after use. Drawer filing cabinets should be inspected at least every six months to ensure correct loading and smoothness of operation, with particular regard to the effectiveness of the drawer stops. Damaged or defective cabinets must not be used.
• High shelves should only be reached through the use of steps provided for that purpose. It is dangerous to stand on desks and chairs, particularly those fitted with castors and this should be avoided at all times.
17. Grounds Maintenance
• Only authorised members of staff, who have received training and instruction in the operation of machinery and equipment, may use same.
• All dangerous moving parts of machinery must be guarded. Guards must not be removed except for the purpose of repair and maintenance. All machinery must comply with statutory regulations for guarding and use.
• The engines of any motorised equipment must be stopped before any inspection or adjustment is carried out. In the case of electrically operated machines the plug lead must be disconnected.
• Machinery must not be left unattended where children (or others) may interfere with them.
• Stones and similar objects must be cleared from the path of equipment to prevent such objects being projected from machinery.
• Fuel tanks must only be filled in the open, with the engine stopped. No risk of naked flames or smoking is allowed in the vicinity of a fuel tank or storage can.
• Fuel may only be stored in a safety can of a type approved, and in a store designated by the Council.
• The manufacturer’s instructions regarding the safe use of chemicals must be adhered to in all circumstances.
• Appropriate protective clothing such as gloves and overalls, face masks and boots must be used when operating with machinery and chemicals including herbicides and pesticides.
• Ladders and stepladders must be in good condition and free from defects and securely positioned at all times when in use.
• Pathways on Council owned premises shall be inspected annually.
18. Caretaking and Cleaning
• It is essential that care is exercised to follow all labelled instructions on containers and packages.
• Products should be stored away from extreme low temperatures, heat sources and naked lights, particularly those products containing hydrocarbon and other flammable solvents.
• Appropriate protective clothing, such as gloves and overalls must be worn when handling corrosive substances.
• Care must be taken to avoid ingestion, inhalation and skin contact of all chemical substances. Spillage must be cleaned up immediately while observing all precautions.
• Consideration must be given to the possibility of hazardous by-products that may arise from reaction between various products or from products exposed to heat or fire. Particularly in the case of bleach which will produce chlorine gas if mixed with acidic cleansers (e.g. Harpic) or other acidic substances.
• Step-ladders which are used to gain access to heights must be in good condition and free from defects. All electrical cleaning equipment must have been wired up by a competent person. Any deterioration in electrical connections or wiring should be reported immediately.
• Floors must be treated only with approved non-slip products. The method of application and quantities to be applied should be that recommended by the manufacturer.
• Equipment, buildings, access and egress to workplaces must be maintained in an efficient state for safe working conditions and be in good repair. Any problems identified must be reported to the Clerk and/or Chairman and machines found to be defective must be taken out of use.
• Structural faults which appear dangerous.
• Floor coverings, etc. which cause a tripping hazard.
• Faulty gas, electric, paraffin fixtures, fittings and equipment.
• All accidents, however small, should be reported.
• Attempt to repair gas, electric, paraffin fixtures, fittings or equipment, unless competent to do so.
• Attempt to move obviously heavy furniture alone.
• In the event of your having to stand on something to reach windows, etc. do ensure the object on which you will stand is solid and reliable.
• Dispose of aerosol cans in the recommended way.
• Dispose of soiled materials in sealed bags.
19. Lifting and Handling
The 1992 Regulations apply to lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying and moving by hand or by bodily force. More work injuries are caused through "handling goods" than any other single action.
Manual lifting is included in this and an incorrect technique can cause: Hernia (or rupture), torn back muscles, "slipped disc", cuts, bruises, crush injuries to fingers, hands and forearms, crush injuries to toes, cuts and bruises to the legs and feet.
The following basic rules are produced to help reduce these accidents:
1. Never attempt to lift anything beyond your capacity. If in doubt get a second person or others to help.
2. If mechanical aids are provided, use them.
3. If an object is to be lifted manually:
a. Bend the knees and crouch to the object.
b. Get a firm grip using the whole hand and not the finger tips.
c. Keep the back straight.
d. Tuck the chin in.
e. Position the feet so that one is behind the other alongside the object, pointing in the direction of movement after lifting.
f. Push off with the rear foot. Straighten the legs and raising the object, move off in required direction in one smooth movement.
g. Avoid pinching fingers when releasing object.
h. When lifting is done by two or more persons one should be appointed leader to ensure movements are co-ordinated.
4. Protect your toes with safety footwear.
5. Wear protective gloves when handling objects with sharp or jagged edges.
20. General Advice to All Employees
• Keep floors, passages etc. clear of stores, packages and litter with special regard to obstructions and situations which could cause slips, trips or falls.
• Put waste paper in the bin. Do not throw broken glass, razor blades or other dangerous items loose in the waste bin. Dispose of these with care and ask for advice if in doubt
• Walk, do not run. Look where you are going
• Use care in opening doors outward.
• Take care on stairs and use the handrail.
• Mop up spills of liquid; do not leave it to someone else.
• Do not climb on chairs, desks, window sills to reach shelves or to open windows. Use a step-ladder and window poles etc.
• Avoid horseplay, sky larking, practical jokes, it can be dangerous.
For the Council to comply with Health and Safety Legislation, all outside contractors employed to do work on Council Premises are to be made aware of the expected requirements related to health and safety. A contractor accepting a contract from the Council shall be deemed to have agreed to comply with the following requirements:-
1. As a contractor, you will supply and ensure that your employees wear and use protective equipment or anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare of any of the relevant statutory provisions.
2. You and your employees will ensure that all equipment, plant machinery and apparatus brought onto or used on the Council premises are safe and without risk to health, and are maintained to a standard that will not constitute an offence under the Act or any of the relevant statutory provisions.
3. You and your employees will conform, in all respects, to your legal duties and responsibilities as laid down by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and relevant statutory provisions.
4. The Council will retain the right to stop any operation, plant or equipment, or the action of any of your employees if it is considered that there is a hazard to the safety and health of employees or others. The Council will not accept any responsibility for any increased costs arising out of such action.
5. In the event of the Council taking this action, your site representative will be notified verbally and will have confirmation in writing by the Council's representative to order such a stoppage.
6. The Council will be indemnified by you or your insurers in respect of any claims, costs or expenses arising out of any incidents on Council premises involving you or your employees.
7. The Council may notify an inspector, appointed under the Authority of the Act, of any breach of the Regulations.
updated and adopted January 2025