December 2024 -

Minutes of the Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council 
held on Monday 9th December 2024
Present: Councillors: N Oakman (Chair), I Hobling, D Leworthy, J Ascough, J Clark, T Smith, H Richardson and F Newton (Clerk)
Also, in Attendance: none in attendance
Open Forum: nothing reported. 
477. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: none received
478. To receive declarations of Interests and consideration for any requests for   dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011- Cllr Ascough declared an interest in Agenda item 488
479.   To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th December 2024. It was Resolved approve the minutes
480. To receive report from District Councillors: no report received.
481. To receive the Clerk’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations: 
Correspondence received
LALC e news circulated
SHDC survey ref ASB circulated
PSPS Update on precept
LALC e news circulated
Proactive International Request to do a case study on Quickline installation in the village
LCC Purchase order for Grass cutting
Parishioner Drainage on Boston Road- contacted Dist Cllr King
Outer Dowsing Notice of variance of time scales
LCC planning support Information of scoping report
I. Health and safety policy
To be discussed at next meeting
483. To consider Meeting dates for 2025– It was Resolved to accept dates and information to be published on Website. Clerk reported that the Marjorum hall has a group meeting on a Monday night and so meetings would be moved to the Clough Church Hall.
484. To discuss LCC emergency planning and appoint representatives- Cllr Richardson volunteered to take on this role and Clerk to contact local groups to ask if they have any interested parties.
485. To discuss update on cemetery- it was agreed that Cllr Clark would contact Longstaffs to arrange for a letter to be drafted to the owners of the land at the back of the Cemetery, as a final offer before the Council apply to have the land removed from the Local plan. 
486. To note update on SIDs- Cllr Richardson reported that he is now maintaining the SID near the Risegate Xroads, Cllr Smith reported that one of the new Solar SIDs has been installed on the Spalding Road at the entrance to the village.
487. To discuss Village maintenance contractors- a list of all maintenance in the village has been circulated to Councillors, an advert is to be written up and placed on the noticeboards and website.
488. To consider Farming Allotment Tenders- Four tenders have been received for this land- It was Resolved by a vote for the tender to be awarded to F Thorley 
489. To consider Planning matters:
 Planning decisions received since the last meeting of Council 
For Comments
I. H08-0951-24- FULL-Proposed car port- Oak Lodge, Cheal Road, R  Bennett
II. Prior approval app- Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling- Belnie House Farm buildings, Belnie Lane- Mrs Baxter
III. H08-0408-24- Erection of fence, The Bell inn, High Street- Ms F Hanmore-Harling- retrospective
IV. H08-1015-24- Modified agreement- modification of 106 Agreement relating to affordable housing and cash contributions (planning approval H08-0870-22) site ad Silverdene- Emerald Homes
It was Resolved to raise an objection against the modifications to H8-1015-24- there is a need for affordable housing in the area and S106 monies should not be withdrawn from the application, funds are required to updated infrastructure and local services. No comments on other applications
I. H08-0823-24- replacement dwelling- Caldene, Clough Road, Gosberton Clough- APPROVED
II. H08-0929-24- Provision for new building for classrooms- Gosberton House School- APPROVED
III. H08-0760-24- Details of site sections etc, Riseholme Farm Windmill Lane, Gosberton Risegate- APPROVED
IV. H08-0814-024- Details of plans Adj to Silverdene, Boston Road- APPROVED
V. H08-0864-24- Works in tree conservation area- 2 Salem Street-APPROVED
VI. H08-0866-24 -Proposed replacement dwelling, South View, Broad Drove- Mr K Williamson
VII. H08-0593-24- Proposed new dwelling- Ad to 47 Clough Road- APPROVED
VIII. H08-07069-241- Proposed detached outbuilding- 254 Siltside, Gosberton Risegate- APPROVED
490. To consider draft Budget for 2025/2026 and set precept- to be discussed again at the next meeting
491. Finance
I. To approve payment of accounts – within Clerk’s report
11/11/2024 SHDC 1913.07 362.61 2295.68 BACS
01/12/2024 PUBLIC HALL 24.00   24.00 BACS
02/12/20254 P GODFREY 230.00   230.00 BACS
Payments made between meetings using delegated authority
21/11/2024 HP INSTANT INK 15.41


25/11/2024 NISBETS 40.47 8.09 48.56 DEBIT CARD
13/11/2024 MICROSOFT 4.50 .98 5.88 DEBIT CARD
03/12/2024 VODAFONE 13.36 2.37 16.03 DEBIT CARD
It was resolved to authorise all payments
II. To receive Bank reconciliation within Clerks report- up to 2nd November 
Current account - £4351.92
Deposit account £51332.96
Community Account £37.28
NS & I account £53999.91
It was resolved to accept bank reconciliation
III. To review income and expenditure within Clerks report
Expenditure since last meeting 
Expenditure year to date £36735.72
Income year to date £45621.91
It was resolved to accept income and expenditure figures
IV. To review Budget to date
It was Resolved to accept budget figures
V. To review Fixed asset register
It was resolved to accept the fixed asset register
492.  To receive reports from other Committee’s
Cllr Clark reported that the Relief in Need charity Christmas hand out to local pensioners took place on 5th December
Cllr Ascough reported that the Speedwatch team had been out and that she is putting together a schedule of dates.
To resolve to move into Closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) Act 19602 due to confidential nature of the business in Agenda item 493.
493. To discuss Clerk’s salary- It was Resolved to accept the recommendations of the Staffing committee
To resolve to move out of Closed session
494. Agenda items for the next meeting
Cemetery, Budget, precept, H& S policy, disciplinary policy, Cemetery, Village maintenance, Speedwatch and sids
Meeting closed at 8.50 pm
uploaded 12th December 2024 13.29