November 2024
Minutes of the Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council
held on Monday 18th November 2024
Present: Councillors: N Oakman (Chair), I Hobling, D Leworthy, J Ascough, J Clark,T Smith, S Weatherly-Barton and F Newton (Clerk)
Also, in Attendance: S Whitton from LCC Emergency Planning
Open Forum: nothing reported.
455. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllrs Gore and Richardson- It was Resolved to accept and approve apologies
456. To receive declarations of Interests and consideration for any requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011- none received
457. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 30th September 2024. It was Resolved approve the minutes
458. To receive short presentation from SHDC Emergency planning manager- S Whitton gave presentation- Council agreed to discuss further at the next meeting
At 7.10pm – S Whitton left meeting and Cllr Leworthy joined the meeting
459. To receive report from District Councillors: no report received.
460. To receive the Clerk’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations:
Correspondence received
LALC | circulated |
Proposed TRO risegate road | circulated |
Meridian solar update | circulated |
LALC | Training bulletin circulated- new councillors recommended to attend |
SHDC | Planning training sessions available |
Outer Dowsing offshore wind | circulated |
LINCS POLICE | Invite to engagement session |
Lincs Free Press | Request for comments ref speeding along the Clough Road |
461. To consider and adopt
I. Risk management policy
II. Standing orders
III. Staffing committee terms of reference
IV. Co-option policy and application form
All policies are unchanged- reviewed and it was Resolved to adopt
462. To appoint LALC as Internal Auditors for 2024/25 – It was Resolved to appoint LALC as Internal Auditors
463. To discuss proposed TRO along Risegate Road, Gosberton Risegate and put forward any comments to LCC- Clerk to contact LCC to request that a further TRO is placed along Beach Lane heading away from the Risegate, and also from the Clough school up to the breakers yard
464. To discuss update on cemetery- it was agreed that Cllr Clark would contact Longstaffs to arrange for a letter to be drafted to the owners of the land at the back of the Cemetery, as a final offer before the Council apply to have the land removed from the Local plan. Agreed to set up a sub-committee
465. To note update on SIDs- Cllr Smith reported that we are still waiting for Highways to secure the posts. Clerk to contact Dist Cllr King again ref this matter
466. To discuss removal of graffiti in playparks- Cllr Clark to investigate, Clerk to obtain quotes for local contractor
467. To discuss installation of waste bins and dog waste bins on Siltside- Cllr Hobling agreed to install dog waste bins. Waste bins to be discussed at next meeting
468. To discuss planting of trees in Gubboles Drove- Cllr Leworthy reported that this has been actioned
469 To discuss Garden Allotment- Clerk reported that letters have been sent to tenants to give notice to quit. Vacant allotments to be advertised. Cllr Thorley reported that local farmer is willing to cut back trees FOC- Cllr Clark to liaise.
470. To discuss plans for Christmas in the villages- Cllr Ascough as had a tree donated for the Risegate. No plans for tree in Gosberton village
471. To discuss employing a Village Maintenance Person- Cllr Smith is to work on a list of works that would be required. After discussion it was agreed to carry on with using contractors but to seek a self-employed handyman. Cllr Weatherly-Barton suggested that they may be volunteers available from the new Men’s Shed project which is starting up
472. To consider Planning matters:
Planning decisions received since the last meeting of Council
For Comments
I. H08-0798-24- Sec73 modification- Proposed portable building- approved under H08-1182-22- White House Farm, Boston Road- Elsons Seeds Ltd
II. H08-0814-24- Condition compliance- details of precautions to prevent mud on roads etc- Adjacent Silverdene, Boston Road. RTW Construction and Development
III. H08-0823-24 – Full- Replacement dwelling, Caldene, Clough Road, S&
D Wells.
IV. H08-0782-24- Residential development- erection of detached dwelling with detached garage- adj 98 High Street, Gosberton- C Davidson
I. H08-0681-24- Rear extension and Internal alterations- The Brambles, Chesboule Lane- APPROVED
II. H08-0684-24- Single storey extension – Quince Cottage,Hundred Fen, APPROVED
III. H08-0718-24- details of materials and landscaping-124 Siltside Gosberton Risegate- APPROVED
IV. H08-0771-24- Works to trees in preservation area- 12 to 22 Salem Street- APPROVED
V. H08-0722-24- Arqvia Ltd- installation of electronic communications apparatus- Belchmire lane- APPROVED
VI. H08-0832-24- National Grid-Proposed overhead lines-Field south of Westhorpe Road- APPROVED
VII. H08-0493-24- Proposed replacement dwelling- 120 Westhorpe Road- APPROVED
No comments
473. To consider draft Budget for 2025/2026- to be discussed again at the next meeting
474. Finance
I. To approve payment of accounts – within Clerk’s report
14/10/2024 | TN Sneath | 1475.00 | 295.00 | 1770.00 | BACS |
18/10/2024 | TN Sneath | 165.00 | 33.00 | 198.00 | BACS |
2/10/2024 | P Godfrey | 225.00 | 225.00 | BACS | |
01/10/2024 | Public Hall | 24.00 | 24.00 | BACS |
Payments made between meetings using delegated authority
7/10/2024 | Post office | 19.70 | 19.70 | DEBIT CARD | |
03/10/2024 | Vodafone | 13.36 | 2.67 | 16.03 | DEBIT CARD |
03/11/2024 | Vodafone | 13.36 | 2.67 | 16.03 | DEBIT CARD |
21/10/2024 | HP instant ink | 15.41 | 3.08 | 18.49 | DEBIT CARD |
05/11/2024 | One drive | 4.90 | .98 | 5.88 | DEBIT CARD |
It was resolved to authorise all payments
II. To receive Bank reconciliation within Clerks report- up to 10h November
Current account - £6391.21
Deposit account £51332.96
Community Account £37.28
NS & I account £53999.91
It was resolved to accept bank reconciliation
III. To review income and expenditure within Clerks report
Expenditure since last meeting
It was resolved to accept income and expenditure figures
IV. To review Budget to date
It was Resolved to accept budget figures
V. To review Fixed asset register
It was resolved to accept the fixed asset register
475. To receive reports from other Committee’s
Cllr Clark reported on recent GRIN meeting- annual distribution to pensioners is to take place on 5th December
No other committees have met
476. Agenda items for the next meeting
Cemetery, Village maintenance contractor, budget, meeting dates for 2025, Emergency planning, farming allotments
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm
approved 9th December 2024