August 2022
Minutes of the Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council
held on Monday 22th August 2022
Present: Councillors: J Clark (Chair), J Bennett, N Oakman, S Wray, S Thorley, TSmith P Waudby F Newton (Clerk).
Also in Attendance: District Councillor S Walsh
Open Forum: No-one in attendance
41. Apologies for absence and reasons given. District Cllr H Bingham (meeting) reason accepted
42. To receive declarations of Interests and consideration of any requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – none received
43. To approve and authorise the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th July 2022 - minutes have been circulated, were agreed and signed
44. Chairmans remarks and Clerks report- Clerk reported that Memorial Bench had been ordered, Clerk debit card in place, Groundsman fuel card in place, Petty cash banked. Email received regarding Quadring Fen village Hall referred to Lincolnshire Foundation- no action. Email from Anglian water circulated. Bank Balances reported. Other items to be discussed on the Agenda
45. To discuss resignation of D Benjamin: resignation emailed to SHDC, election period is over. Free to co-opt to Council
46. Updated on Flower Parade: correspondence received from organiser which has been emailed to interested Parishioners. Awaiting response. Resolved: Council to offer donation towards costs and assistance- to be discussed at future meeting
47. Update on points raised from Audit and sign over Log in details: Clerk outlined work completed on Audit report, sealed and signed envelope containing all log passwords handed to Chair
48. To complete and change address of NSI account: Resolved forms completed and countersigned
49. To review updated Internal Controls: Resolved discussed and adopted, Cemetery invoices to be numbered to ease traceability
50. To review updated Financial Regulations: Resolved discussed and adopted
51. To review Fixed Asset Register: discussed and adopted Resolved: agreed nominal amount of £20000 to be added as value of Playing field land
52. To discuss ICO data protection registration: Clerk to make enquires as to whether Council is already registered, Data Officer to be appointed when outcome of enquires confirmed
53. Item moved to Closed Session
54. Update on artwork for Notice board- deferred to next meeting
55. Update on Cemetery and Churchyard trees: quotations received and discussed. Further quotations still to be received. Resolved: Clerk to email to everyone so that provisional decision can be made before next meeting, as concerned that if left until next meeting Tree surgeons may be too booked up to complete work before bad weather
56. Remembrance Sunday: Resolved Clerk to contact Debbie Reynolds to confirm plans, Clerk to order 3 wreaths from British Legion. School to request help from Children to read names of Fallen on day
57. To discuss proposed financial contribution from D&R developments towards play equipment: advice taken Council to accept under section 106.Resolved: Clerk to contact to enquire about proposed amount and to invite D & R to attend next meeting’s open forum. Clerk to also contact SHDC to enquire if any Section 106 funds are available from developers of Boston Road project
58. Update on Allotments: On going Resolved: Chair to contact Longstaff’s again ref measuring plots, Clerk to contact people on reserved list to confirm if still interested. Suggested that outside help is requested to complete boundaries
59. Planning Matters - applications received where a decision has not already been submitted to SHDC
For Comments
i. H08-0669 –22 -two storey front& side extension- 39 Mill Lane, Gosberton
Comments submitted prior to meeting
Determinations form SHDC
i. H08-0223 -22- 25a High Street. Gosberton- development- APPROVED
ii. H08-0443-22 – Cheal Road/Saltfleet lane- new build – APPROVED
iii. H08-0556-22 – Kiln Dunster House – APPROVED
iv. H08-0569-22- 17 High street -Motcentre- APPROVED
v. H08-0381-22 – Development off Boston Road -APPROVED
vi. H08-0475-22 - Development off Boston Road -APPROVED
vii. H08-0536-22 – Fossils Farm- barn conversion =APPROVED
No further comments
60. Finance and payments of accounts, to approve payments within Clerks report, sign off bank reconciliations, report bank balances, virement funds within Budget
13/07/2022 LALC audit 190.00 38.00 228.00
15/08/2022 LALC clerk mentor 50.00 10.00 60.00
18/07/2022 LALC clerk mentor 70.00 14.00 84.00
20/07/2022 Yates Playgrounds 6410.00 1282.00 6410.00
15/07/2022 BTaylor 180.00 180.00
01/08/2022 Gosberton Public Hall 30.00 30.00
31/07/2022 Westons mower service 394.78 78.95 473.73
17/08/2022 Allstar Fuels 25.04 5.01 30.05
22/08/2022 S Thorley-Jubliee 697.74 697.74
22/08/2022 F&M Thorley 60.00 12.00 72.00
Invoices to approved -retrospectively
15/07/2022 HMRC 80.93 80.93
15/07/2022 HMRC 186.84 186.84
15/07/2022 HMRC 187.04 187.04
15/07/2022 Salary 1141.29 1141.29
25/07/2022 S Kitchen 900.00 900.00
30/06/2022 Anglian Water 14.41 14.41
30/06/2022 Fenland Play 1365.47 273.09 350.00
11/06/2022 D Allen 200.00 200.00
05/08/2022 HMRC 161.86 161.86
19/08/2022 Salary 699.56 699.56
All payments Approved,
Bank balances
Current £1282.56
Deposit £51749.85
NS&I £53147.51
Resolved: to virement £1000.00 from Jubilee to Training within Budget
61. Reports from other Committees: No meeting of Unknown Donors, H Bingham approached to request meeting. GCAT meeting- discussed closure of Gosberton Youth Centre, possibility of being sold. Inspection Meeting of Relief in Need
Resolved: Clerk to nominate Youth Club as an Asset of Community Value
To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business of Agenda item 53 and 62
63. Agenda items for next meeting: update from Staffing committee, allotments
64. Date for next meeting is Monday 3rd October 2022 at The Public Hall, Gosberton at 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 10pm
Draft uploaded to website 25/08/2022