January 2025 DRAFT
Minutes of the Meeting of Gosberton Parish Council
held on Monday 20th January 2025
Present: Councillors: N Oakman (Chair), I Hobling, D Leworthy, J Ascough, J Clark, T Smith, N. Gore, S, Weatherley-Barton and F Newton (Clerk)
Also, in Attendance: Dist Cllr H Bingham and two members of the Public
Open Forum: MOP made a representation to the Council regarding planning application number H08-1034-24
Cllr Gore joined meeting at 7.06pm
495. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: none received
496. To receive declarations of Interests and consideration for any requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011- Cllr Oakman, and Clark declared an interest in Agenda item 506.
497. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th December 2024. It was Resolved approve the minutes
498. To receive report from District Councillors: Dist Cllr Bingham reported on the new Planning Framework which has recently been introduced, SHDC are currently meeting their new home targets and also gave a brief update on the planned new Unitary Authority.
Cllr Leworthy joined the meeting at 7.26pm
499. To receive the Clerk’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations:
Correspondence received
LALC | planning training information |
SHDC | Introduction from Homelessness prevention officer- circulated |
Parishioner | Complaint about wreaths being removed from the cemetery |
Lincs Comm Foundation | Funding update |
SHDC | Undated Electoral register |
LALC | Training scheme information 2025 |
LALC | Introduction from Lincs Armed forces and community officer |
LALC | e- news circulated |
500. To consider and adopt
I. Health and safety policy
II. Grievance policy
III. Disciplinary policy
It was Resolved to adopt Health and Safety policies and to discuss other policies at the next meeting
501. To consider continuing subscription to LALC and LALC training scheme for 2025/26– It was Resolved to continue with both subscriptions
502. To discuss update on Cemetery and complaint about removed of wreaths from cremation plots – Cllr Clark reported that he had had a meeting with Longstaffs, and as the Cemetery is in the local plan advised that this should not be removed at the present time. The land owners are to be contacted again. The Clerk reported about a complaint reference Christmas wreaths being removed from one of the cremation plots. After discussion it was agreed that it would not be possible to lock the Cemetery gates each night as there was no one available to action this.
It was Resolved- Clerk to put notices up to request that wreaths are removed from plots by the first weekend in February to allow for the weeds to be dealt with. It was also agreed to purchase a new wheelbarrow. Clerk to contact parishioner with update from this meeting
503. To note update on SIDs and report on Speed watch group- Cllr Smith is to order new batteries for SID, and Cllr Ascough has sent a new Speedwatch schedule to LRSP, it was asked if the Speedwatch group would be able to monitor Boston Road too, Cllr Ascough to liaise with LRSP ref this action.
504. To discuss any update on LCC Emergency planning group- Cllr Gore agreed to take over the role from the late Cllr Richardson, and Dist Cllr Bingham confirmed that Quadring PC are happy to join Gosberton in this project
505. To discuss update Village maintenance person/s- it was felt that a self-employed contractor would be best suited for this role, Cllr Ascough is to reword advert to be placed on noticeboards, social media etc
506. To consider grant application from Gosberton Youth Club- an application has been received for funds to pay for the employment of a Youth leader. This person would be employed by the YMCA. The Council felt that grant money should be spent on “items for use” rather than paying a salary, and that more information is required before any grant could be considered - It was Resolved not to award a grant at the current time, and to explain that Youth Club are invited to apply again in the future.
507. To consider response to LCC budget survey- It was Resolved to complete survey with a view to supporting the LCC proposed increase of option A a 2.99% increase
508. To consider Planning matters:
Planning decisions received since the last meeting of Council
For Comments
I. H08-1034-24 – FULL- Erection of 2 detached residential dwellings following demolition of existing agricultural building, benefitting from extant prior approval consent H08-0465-24 for change of use from agricultural building to residential dwellings. G Tomlinson Farm Buildings, Cheal Road- Mr Parker
II. H08-0782-24- FULL- Residential development-erection of detached dwelling with detached garage- revised plans received, adjacent to 98 High Street, Gosberton- Mrs C Davidson
No Comments
I. H08-0866-24- Works to Gosberton Tree preservation order 019 2016- Cherryholt Cottage, Gosberton- APPROVED
II. H08-1017-24- Proposed change of operating hours- the Old Ship, Beck Bank, Gosberton Clough- APPROVED
III. H058-0904-24- Details of schedule of materials for hard surface areas- Land between 10 and 12 Risegate Road- APPROVED
IV. H08-1061-24- Proposed overhead lines- North of Bowgate, Gosberton – APPROVED
V. H08-0952-24- Proposed single storey rear extension including change of use of land from agricultural to residential- 7 Cooks Road, Gosberton- APPROVED
VI. H08-0951-24- Proposed car port- Oak Lodge, Cheal Road, Gosberton- APPROVED
509. To consider draft Budget for 2025/2026 and set precept- It was Resolved to set a Budget of £35320.00 and to send a precept request to SHDC for the sum of £35320.00. This equates to £36.30 per year for each Band D dwelling, an increase of £4.88 per year or 14.41%
510. Finance
I. To approve payment of accounts – within Clerk’s report
12/12/2024 | LALC | 603.48 | 603.48 | BACS | |
06/01/2025 | P Godfrey | 210.00 | 210.00 | BACS | |
12/12/2024 | Gos Clough Hall | 20.00 | 20.00 | BACS |
Payments made between meetings using delegated authority
12/12/2024 | Cleverbridge | 11.90 | 2.38 | 14.28 | DEBIT CARD |
13/12/2024 | Microsoft | 4.50 | .98 | 5.88 | DEBIT CARD |
31/12/2024 | Wave | 19.31 | 19.31 | DEBIT CARD | |
31/12/2024 | Hp Instant ink | 15.41 | 3.08 | 18.49 | DEBIT CARD |
03/01/2025 | Vodafone | 13.36 | 2.47 | 16.03 | DEBIT CARD |
03/01/2025 | Amazon | 8.32 | 1.66 | 9.98 | DEBIT CARD |
10/01/2025 | Microsoft | 4.50 | .98 | 5.88 | DEBIT CARD |
It was resolved to authorise all payments
II. To receive Bank reconciliation within Clerks report- up to 13th January 2025
Current account £2984.59
Deposit account £52268.54
Community Account £37.28
NS & I account £53999.91
Clerk reported that statement had been received from NS & I and new balance is £54541.39
It was resolved to accept bank reconciliation
III. To review income and expenditure within Clerks report
Expenditure since last meeting
Expenditure year to date £43411.51
Income year to date £53098.56
It was resolved to accept income and expenditure figures
IV. To review Budget to date
It was Resolved to accept budget figures
511. To receive reports from other Committee’s
No meetings have taken place, Clerk reported that an email had been sent to the Clerk of the Unknown Donors charity requesting a meeting, at this point no response has been received
512. Agenda items for the next meeting
Cemetery, Budget, policy updates, village maintenance person
Cllr Haydn Richardsons funeral is to be held on 10th February 1.45pm at Gosberton Methodist chapel, it was agreed that the flag would be lowered to half mast as a mark of respect.
Meeting closed at 8.15 pm
uploaded on 22nd January 2025